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Make It Count: The Lockdown Challenge

CMS Ireland

As we look back over the past three months of lockdown, CMSI is inviting you to make lockdown count.

Redeeming Lockdown

Has the experience of ‘staying put’ meant you missed out on something you enjoy? Have you saved money by not doing something that you would normally do, or by not buying something you would otherwise have bought? Cinema or theatre visits? Takeaways? Weekend breaks? Petrol?

Would you like to redeem your lockdown losses by putting the money you've saved to positive use?* If so, here's what we're asking you to do:

  1. Calculate your lockdown saving - work out how much money you’ve saved through one ‘loss’ or change of activity during lockdown.

  2. Make a donation - donate your lockdown saving to CMSI’s Mission Resource Fund.

  3. Share you story - tell us about your lockdown saving (via video, postcard or email).

Why support CMSI in this way?

Like most charities, CMSI is very aware that the support we receive from individuals and churches is likely to drop as the financial impacts of this pandemic kick in. If CMSI is to continue supporting the global Church, if we are to continue equipping and resourcing the Church in Ireland, we need people to keep supporting our Mission Resource Fund.

In CMSI, we love hearing of fundraising events that gather folk together, help create community and allow people to hear something about our partners. But, as a staff team at this time, we want to promote fundraising approaches that reflect God’s heart for bringing good from loss. We want to redeem lockdown. We want to encourage people to respond from their hearts and give from their own resources.

Making your donation

You can make your donation online (in £ Sterling or in € Euro). Or you can donate by cheque (put ‘Make It Count’ on the back of the cheque) or by Bank Transfer. For bank transfers, please put ‘MIC 2020’ in the reference and use the following information

  • Sterling Account: Sort Code - 93-80-92; Account No - 17032012

  • Euro Account: Sort Code - 90-07-54; Account No -17031868

Sharing your story

Use the following text as a guide to record a short video clip of yourself – or write it as a message. You can send your clip or message via WhatsApp to any CMSI staff member or email a message to: Or you can post your video to Facebook and tag @cmsireland - we'll then share it on our page.

"During Lockdown, I have spent less money on _____________

By missing out, I’ve saved £/€ ______ (you can omit the figure or keep it general).

I’m redeeming this money by making it count with CMSI."

Thank you for supporting CMSI in this important way.

*We realise that this appeal will not be relevant for everyone. We recognise the financial pressure that the Covid crisis has put on many individuals and households. We are aware that some folk may have lost jobs and that others may be struggling to keep their businesses afloat. Please be assured of our love and our prayers for you at this time.

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