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Latest blogs
In CMSI, we get to hear lots of incredible stories: stories of God’s people engaging in God's mission; stories of lives transformed; stories of hope, renewal, light and love.
Our news and blog updates will give you a flavour of how God is at work in our world. Our monthly updates, inMission magazine and Link Letters from our Mission Personnel will inform and inspire you - and fuel your prayers.
We hope that these stories encourage you to connect, equip and transform.

CMS Ireland
Jan 3, 2021
12 Days Of Christmas: Day Ten
On the tenth day of Christmas, the Church in Ethiopia and South Sudan gave to us... A wake up call on climate change. Photos and stories...

CMS Ireland
Jan 2, 2021
12 Gifts Of Christmas: Day Nine
On the ninth day of Christmas, the Church in Uganda gave to us... The Gift of discovering our calling. We discover our role in life...

CMS Ireland
Jan 1, 2021
12 Gifts Of Christmas: Day Eight
On the eighth day of Christmas, the Church in Burundi gave to us... A gift of considerate ministry. The Church in Burundi is experiencing...

CMS Ireland
Dec 31, 2020
12 Gifts Of Christmas: Day Seven
On the seventh day of Christmas, the Church in DR Congo gave to us... The Gift of Worship. A song, “O Nzambi “, performed by the...

CMS Ireland
Dec 30, 2020
12 Gifts Of Christmas: Day Six
On the sixth day of Christmas, the Church in South Sudan gave to us... The gift of resilience through faith. Enforced lockdown after...

CMS Ireland
Dec 29, 2020
12 Gifts Of Christmas: Day Five
On the fifth day of Christmas, the Church in Nepal gave to us... The gift of beautiful crafts. Our partners in Nepal use their skills and...

CMS Ireland
Dec 28, 2020
12 Gifts Of Christmas: Day Four
On the fourth day of Christmas, the Church in Egypt gave to us... The gift of a challenge to ‘do something’ about refugees. During June...

CMS Ireland
Dec 27, 2020
12 Gifts Of Christmas: Day Three
On the third day of Christmas, the Church in South Sudan gave to us... A gift of prayerful intercession The Diocese of Ibba, South Sudan,...

CMS Ireland
Dec 26, 2020
12 Gifts Of Christmas: Day Two
On the second day of Christmas, the Church in South Sudan gave to us... The gift of thoughtful inclusion. Gardino is elderly and blind,...

CMS Ireland
Dec 25, 2020
12 Gifts Of Christmas: Day One
On the first day of Christmas, the Church in Burundi gave to us... The gift of shared joy. Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that...

CMS Ireland
Dec 24, 2020
12 Global Gifts For Christmas
A very happy Christmas from the staff team at CMSI! Tonight, we move from the season of Advent into the feast of Christmas - a 12-day...

Roger Cooke
Dec 18, 2020
In The Midst: A Reflection On Hope
In my recent hunt for inMission cover images, I re-discovered this painting. It hangs in the National Gallery in London, which is where I...

Jenny Smyth
Dec 16, 2020
Give and see what happens
There are many ways to bring a smile to someone. My phone kept buzzing as WhatsApp photos arrived. First a carpenter’s workshop with some...

Linda Abwa
Dec 14, 2020
Advent Hope: The Painful Wait
On 7th December, we received the following news from Eastern DR Congo:* “On Friday more people were killed … so far it’s 20 people...

CMS Ireland
Oct 30, 2020
Connected, Equipped, Transformed
In September, the CMSI staff bade a fond farewell to Rachel Brittain, who moved on to embrace new opportunities after 16 years on the...

Jenny Smyth
Oct 26, 2020
Worlds Apart
Updating policies is not my favourite task. Complying with protocols is a matter of great self-discipline! However, with the ever...

Roger Cooke
Oct 19, 2020
Telling A Different Story
Decorating to dispel Last Friday, I saw my first new Christmas tree of 2020. It was 15th October. The clocks have yet to change, but the...
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