The CMSI Board Of Trustees
CMSI’s Board Of Trustees is made up of elected representatives from the Society’s membership. Comprising local members, clergy and ex-Mission Partners, the trustees are experienced individuals, who are passionate about mission and committed to CMSI’s development and growth.
The Board Of Trustees is specifically responsible for CMSI’s strategy, finances and policy. It is the trustees’ role to govern the society – prayerfully overseeing and developing our work.
The Board meets together five or six times each year, including the AGM. They usually meet in Dublin on a Friday evening or on a Saturday.
The current board
David Reynolds (Chairperson)
Maureen Clarke
Hilda Connolly
Prof Frank Dobbs
Will Grier
Ruth Mann
Lydia Monds
Stella Obe
Rev Abigail Sines
Very Rev Geoff Wilson
Trustees serve on the board for a three-year term but can stand for re-election at the end of their term. Elections to the board of trustees take place at CMSI's Annual General Meeting - which is part of the Shine event in Dublin every spring.
Contact the offices to find out more about the CMSI Board and role of trustees.