Teaching Resources
for children and teens
CMSI's teaching resource for children and young people, Fair Play, explores issues of fairness and justice.
The material includes:
Bible teaching on playing our part in God's generous justice for all
Videos about our global partners and what we can learn from them
A range of themed games, activities and crafts
A creative writing / art competition
A fundraising challenge to help support our local mission partners in Uganda, Sudan and Nepal.
The Fair Play material is now available to view and download for free. Sign-up to access the material today. We'll send you a password that gives you full access to the Fair Play page and our suite of resources on the CMSI website.
Introducing the CMSI Teaching Resource for children and young people
CMSI’s teaching resource for children and young people is specially produced each year for schools, churches, children's clubs and youth groups in Ireland. It provides original and creative material for at least four sessions with four different age groups. It’s an ideal resource for anyone wanting to encourage a greater interest in global mission.
The Resource Pack
The Children’s Resource material is available as a digital pack with the following elements:
Leaders’ Guide – background information; session outlines; teen activities; all-age service material
Moving image – 4 films to introduce the theme or country and our global partners;
PowerPoint – for each stage, ready to use in the classroom;
Activity Workbooks – differentiated by age-group
There’s also a chance to raise money to support a programme of one of our Global Partners.
View Sample Film
Here's one of the films from another teaching resource, Hands Out, which focused on displaced people and those seeking refuge.
View or download previous Teaching Resource material
The issue of climate justice and its consequences for our partners in Nepal is the focus of this resource.
This resource considers life for people who are displaced and seeking refuge with an emphasis on receiving and giving in the global church.
Click on the images to access your free downloads: