Gift Aid & Tax-Efficient Giving
Make your donation go further
Charitable Tax Relief (Republic of Ireland)
If you pay PAYE income tax in the Republic of Ireland and donate more that €250 in a tax year, CMSI can claim tax relief on your donations. This significantly increases the value of your donations at no extra cost to yourself. The amount we can claim back depends on your rate of tax. All you need to do is download, complete and return the Enduring Certificate, or contact the CMSI offices to request a paper version. If your gift is eligible and you have not completed a form we will contact you at the end of the tax year.
Gift Aid (UK)
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can complete the online form - below. Or, if you prefer, contact the CMSI offices to request that a form be posted out to you. ​
Please note: Any money claimed as Gift Aid or via tax relief will be used in support of CMSI’s Mission Resource Fund.