Partnership Links

Partnership Links
Together in global mission
Central to CMSI’s approach is a commitment to a partnership model – which sees different parts of the worldwide Church working together in mission.
The clearest and most effective expression of CMSI’s partnership approach is the development of two-way relationships between churches in Ireland and our Global Partners in Africa and Nepal. The name we give such a relationship is a Partnership Link.
Partnership links have enormous potential to make a difference, not just to the Global Partner, but also to the Church in Ireland.
CMSI has a team of Partnership Coordinators who work with churches and Global Partners to develop links and help the relationship to grow and flourish.
If your church is looking for a way to engage more deeply in global mission, we’d love to chat to you about developing a partnership link with one of our Global Partners. Do get in touch to find out more.

"In CMSI we have a friend who is always near"
Louise Githire
Tujisaidie Self-Help Group, Kenya

"The people to people connection matters most to me. Partnership is not about things to people, but people to people. When God wanted to redeem, he sent us a person: Jesus Christ. Let’s keep this partnership personal. Let us be Christ to you and you be Christ to us."​
Bishop Joel Obetia
Former Bishop of Madi West Nile Diocese, Uganda

The partnership between a parish and a Global Partner is at heart a long-term relationship. Like all enduring relationships, it begins tentatively. Over time, often considerable time, the partners allow themselves to show vunerability, and mutual trust and respect is built.
David Reynolds - CMSI Trustee
Christ Church, Bray