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Prayerful Partnerships

Linda Abwa

When I worked as one I always relished the meaning of the word midwife: with women. It encompasses the full range of the job role which can swing from quiet watchfulness to urgent action. Yet for the whole time it is not really the midwife who is working, it is the woman alongside whom she stands who labours.

As Partnership Coordinator for South Sudan and DRC my role is not dissimilar. Our Global Partners in these nations struggle hard in the search for peace and labour persistently to deliver hope through Christ to the traumatised and displaced. My role and yours is to be consistent in prayerful partnership and delivering urgent support at the right time.

On Friday we have been called by global faith leaders to fasting and prayer for South Sudan and DRC. This will be a day of quiet but powerful action. Will you join me on Friday to fast and pray? This is a day for us to stand with South Sudan and stand with DRC in their time of struggle.

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