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Easter Greetings

Jenny Smyth

Easter greetings from CMS Ireland!

As we journey from Palm Sunday through Holy Week to Easter Day, our global partners are also following the same road, many in really challenging circumstances. Easter is a time of increased tension in Egypt, news from DR Congo is heartbreaking with reports of increased rebel attacks on villages, Burundi and South Sudan are still enduring conflict and flooding has replaced famine in parts of Kenya.

It is good to share a journey together, however challenging, encouraging one another to persist through the tough times, to lend a steadying hand, to remind each other of the purpose and the final destination.

We look forward to Easter, to the joy of the resurrection and the sure hope we have because death is defeated, to a new heaven and earth. As we celebrate Easter let us remember our partners and determine to travel the road together, united in purpose, united in our desire to see God’s redeeming love transforming us, our families and our communities, wherever we might be.

Halleluiah – He is Risen!

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