One of the best - and worst - parts of my job happens every year in late May and early June, when the Children's Resource competition entries arrive in the office.
It is such a cheerful sight to see over 100 bright and creative posters and pictures from children as young as 3 right up to 16-year-olds. But it also fills me with dread as to how I am going to pick a winner and runner-up for each group. Fortunately this year, Frank Dobbs (CMSI Trustee) and Gladys McAtamney (office volunteer and former staff member) were in the office and agreed to help with the judging. A big relief for me!
The 2019 Childrens' Resource, Outside In, highlights the work of our partners in Nepal as they share God's love to marginalised and vunerable people. The resource uses Bible stories from the life of Jesus to inspire children to care for people and share God's love with them.
We launch our Children's Resource as part of our Impact Roadshow in January and February each year and we really enjoy the opportunity to meet Sunday school teachers as well as members and supporters around Ireland. It is the teachers who help to breathe life into the resource and we really appreciate their hard work each week in their parishes.
Well done to all those who took part in the competition - they have all received a certificate for submitting an entry. Congratulations to our prize winners and runner-ups. The standard was so high we had to award mutliple prizes! Special mention for Lauren Bond (Kildollagh, St Paul's) who has produced amazingly creative entries over the last two years.
Winning entries:
Arctic Foxes - Amelia Little (Aghavea Parish)
Red Pandas - Emily McKeegan (Glendermott Parish)
Tibetan Wolves - Amy Elliott (Inishmacsaint Parish)
Bengal Tigers - Sam Dunn (St Luke's, Mullaglass)
Special Award - Lauren Bond (Kildollagh, St Paul's)

The prizes are on their way to you! Thank you to the Book Well in Belfast for your great selection of books and resources.