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Preparing for Covid-19 in Nepal

Jenny Smyth

Human Development and Community Services (HDCS) - one of our Global Partners in Nepal - is responsible for managing a series of rural Christian founded hospitals. This week, we received news of some of the creative ways that these hospitals are preparing their communities to stand strong in the face of the coming epidemic.

Each country has its own unique challenges and in Nepal, with mountainous terrain and scattered rural communities, the network of outlying hospitals has a crucial role to play in developing community resilience in the face of the virus threat. These hospitals are responding with both preventive education programmes and medical services. The government is providing some of these mission hospitals with PPE, but resources and supplies are stretched.

The local staff are taking on the challenge of training and treating people, despite the dangers, with dedication and creativity, determined to help their communities however they can.

May the determination of our brothers and sisters in Nepal be an inspiration to us all. Let us remember them before our Heavenly Father as they show His love through their service.

Images above show:

  • HDCS logo

  • Medical Director training staff in infection control techniques and treatment of Covid-19

  • New isolation ward ready to receive Covid-19 patients

  • HDCS radio programme provides education re risks and prevention strategies

  • Social distancing has been introduced at the rural hospitals

  • Chaujahari hospital staff are helping construction workers in their break times to build a new ward for the anticipated increase in hospital admissions.

This update is part of our special 'Voices Of Hope' series - as we seek to provide stories of light during this time of uncertainty and upheaval.

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