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Updates From Egypt & Kenya

CMS Ireland

This week, CMSI is producing and distributing its regular Global Partner Updates from the nine countries where our partners are based. We begin this morning with the updates for Egypt and Kenya.



Bishop Mouneer has written part of the update from the Diocese Of Egypt and begins by explaining

his vision for the Church at this time:

We in the diocese believe that we have a role to play in a time like this, so we try to help and support those who suffer because of this lock down. We are taking different initiatives and different activities in different areas such as supporting the unemployed, providing healthcare, continuing e learning of our school children and Spiritual support and encouragement for our congregations.

Linda Abwa also provides good news of a recent appointment in the diocese, as well as a brief update on funds that have already been sent from CMSI as part of the Covid-19 Response Appeal.



CMSI Partnership Coordinator, Linda Abwa provides an update from Kenya, where both of CMSI's Global Partners (UDP and Kajiado Diocese) are already feeling the significant effects of a devastating locust plague, along with the Covid-19 restrictions. Linda writes:

Kenya faces some significant challenges right now as Covid 19 cases rise and a second wave of locusts has arrived in East Africa. It is estimated that this locust plague may be up to 20 times larger than the one from earlier in the year. The UN have reported that the situation is “extremely alarming”, bringing a huge threat to food security and livelihoods.

With the country on lockdown the locusts are harder to control, and with locusts destroying agricultural production, the economic implications of lockdown are further exacerbated.


In addition to its regular updates of news and prayer requests, CMSI produces Global Partner Updates at least twice each. While these are primarily aimed at CMSI link churches and prayer supporters, they provide a helpful summary for anyone with a wider interest in the work of the global Church.

Additional updates will be provided in the coming days.


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