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United In Prayer

Roger Cooke

In the 'pre-Covid world', the CMSI Staff Team gathered round the table every Monday morning for coffee/tea, for devotions and to discuss the week ahead. We would meet more briefly on the other mornings for a cuppa and a short time of prayer.

Over the years, these times of connection - with each another and with God - have become a cherished part of our weekly rhythm. They lift our eyes and our hearts. They strengthen our bonds as a team. They offer a chance to remind one another, and ourselves, that the work we do is part of a bigger story: a story of transformation that God is writing; a story whose characters include many individuals and churches throughout Ireland, and across the world.

Those of you reading this will be among those for whom we pray as a team. But you are also part of a daily community of people who pray for the wider work of CMSI. Every day, the prayer diary entry brings together hundreds of members of the CMSI family. We don't have to all be gathered around the table to be united in prayer.

Over the past eight weeks of lockdown, the staff team have continued to meet (via Zoom) for devotions and discussions on Monday mornings and for a short time of prayer on Thursday mornings. Of course, it's not the same as being together, but the sense of shared connection is all the more profound. It reminds us that the unity we share transcends physical distance, social isolation and the unsettling uncertainty of these days.

As a staff team, even when we can't meet together, we continue to be united with each other, with our Global Partners and with you in our prayers. That's one of the reasons why our Prayer For The Church During The Covid Crisis is so powerful.

Please keep praying with us and for us - as we keep praying for you.

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