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Updates From Uganda & Nepal

CMS Ireland

The last of our series of Global Partner Updates come from Uganda (Luweero Diocese & Madi West Nile Diocese) and Nepal (SD Church & HDCS)


Linda Abwa and Gillian Maganda provide the latest news from our partners in Uganda. Linda begins by sharing news from Madi West Nile:

Madi West Nile Diocese has experienced extreme disruption of all their normal community activities, but report that they are finding new ways of being church: “The Church devised other measures so as to be able to reach out to the community; recording of services every week, encouraging family services, and taking C-19 awareness to marginalised communities along with resources for hand washing."

Gillian shares an update from Luweero Diocese and writes:

A recent slogan on Luweero’s Facebook page read, “The chairs in churches think we went to Heaven!” Thankfully, while the chairs are empty, the Church of Uganda has the opportunity to broadcast services on national TV in an attempt to bring encouragement and hope to the nation. Bishop Eridard is also recording weekly messages to his cathedral congregation and sending those out via WhatsApp and other social media platforms.


In the introduction to her Nepal update, Jenny Smyth helps provide the context to our partners recent activities:

The sudden lockdown caught people unprepared with no opportunity to travel home or buy-in supplies. Many people rely on the informal economy living from day to day: no work means nothing to eat. Many of the poorest people are now relying on charitable emergency food supplies. The Nepalese government has provided some PPE materials to hospitals and encourages hygiene and social distancing. These are challenging in overcrowded city locations and for rural communities using community water sources.

Our partners, supported by you through CMSI, are responding to these challenges and demonstrating God’s love to their communities in very practical ways.


In addition to its regular updates of news and prayer requests, CMSI produces Global Partner Updates at least twice each. While these are primarily aimed at CMSI link churches and prayer supporters, they provide a helpful summary for anyone with a wider interest in the work of the global Church.

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