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Isabelle's Latest UDP Update

CMS Ireland

Earlier this month, CMSI Mission Associate, Isabelle Prondzynski, provided an update on how the Urban Development Programme (UDP) in Nairobi has been responding to the Covid crisis. Isabelle also shared news of an 'exciting' Zoom conference...

On 2nd July, CMSI organised the most exciting Zoom conference that I have yet attended. We were 25 people from ten countries (eight in Africa, plus Nepal and Ireland). Even the technical feat of combining participants from all these countries in one internet call at the same time was extraordinary... I was well aware of the efforts made by everyone to join in the conversation. Even just seeing them on my computer screen gave me a bounce of delight.

It is not often that CMSI’s Global Partners have a chance to get together in person and exchange news on the issues and challenges facing them. On this occasion, we were meeting to discuss the Covid-19 crisis as experienced in our various settings. This is quite serious enough, but as we listened, we became aware that it was just one of the issues confronting the Global Partners…

You can read more from Isabelle in her link letter.

Please keep praying for Isabelle, the UDP and the community members in Kayole, Nairobi. If you'd like to support them as they respond to the impacts of Covid-19 - or indeed if you would like to support any of CMSI's Global Partners - please donate to our Covid-19 Response Appeal.

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