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Advent Hope: The Painful Wait

Linda Abwa

On 7th December, we received the following news from Eastern DR Congo:*

“On Friday more people were killed … so far it’s 20 people including children and young people. Among the 20 people killed, four of our boys also have been killed, it so hard for us. Today we did not have a good church service because of those four young boys, who were singing so well in our Peace Centre.

“Regina had her 8 sons macheted to death and her only daughter kidnapped by the rebels. We now support her here. How much wisdom, love and compassion we need from God to support such people. Pray also for our own emotional needs – it can be so draining giving out in such situations. Pray for the Evangelist who lives at the Centre and serves God so faithfully and with such love and compassion.”

I am shocked,

I am saddened,

If it were my children, if it was our church choir boys, this news would not be broken to a few praying people in an unassuming email. There would be headlines, outrage, crowdfunding, political fallout.

I am angry,

I am implicated,

My privilege is laid as bear as the nakedness of Eden,

The knowledge of good and evil assaults my quiet advent.

‘I am who I am’

“My servant grew up in the Lord’s presence like a tender green shoot, like a root in dry ground. There was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance, nothing to attract us to him. He was despised and rejected— a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down.” Isaiah 53

A voice of hope from our Global Partners in Eastern Congo:

“We are seeing people come to faith so often, as they see that only God really cares for them and has provided a way to live in His peace with hope for eternity...

"On Christmas day we hope to cook food for 500 vulnerable people to celebrate Christmas with them. They have lost many of their own people. This meal will be for people like Regina and there will be some orphans. May this be a time to celebrate all that Jesus has done for us and may these vulnerable people know the hope of eternity free of suffering with Jesus…

"We are teaching women to read at the Centre and once they have achieved that, then we will be able to give them a Bible. What a gift!”

I am listening

I am praying

I am waiting

Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel.


* The news update was sent through by Bisoke, who is the EAC (Eglise Anglican du Congo) Provincial youth officer in Eastern Congo, based north of North Kivu Diocese.

1 Comment

Cosmas Lupai
Cosmas Lupai
Dec 15, 2020

Oh my God! What a harmful situation in such a season of hope,it reminds us of the marsacre commanded by Herod on search of the Baby Jesus.Rachael wasn't comforted for lossing all her children.

I pray for that lady and the church that may our God comfort the entire community in that trying moment.


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