‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here: He has risen!’
Luke 24:5

And so, in that moment, for the mourning women carrying spices to the grave, everything changed. The grave becomes a door to life. Confusing memories made sense, hope rose from despair, the confusion of darkness was flooded with light and they ran to tell the good news.
A dead end transformed, repurposed to life with a mission:
To see God’s Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. And this is the mission of all who follow the risen Lord Jesus.
In a recent conversation Bishop Wilson Kamani of Ibba, South Sudan, reminded me:

‘The Kingdom of God is not far away – it is within us. God should rule in our hearts, His work takes precedence in our lives, we live not for ourselves, but for Him. We work according to His programme, not to the world’s – the love of God must be extended to everyone’