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Enjoying official Irish visits

CMS Ireland

There is great celebration amongst all concerned when friends from Ireland visit our global partners and CMSI mission associates. Whether official representatives or parishioners, guests are greeted with open arms. This was certainly the case when Irish delegates visited Kenya in recent months. Spending time visiting local projects reinforces, yet again, the importance the Irish Government places on international relations.

As you read of the joy and delight found in co-operation, please keep our partners, their families and the wider communities in prayer as they navigate these difficult days for the Kenyan people.

Isabelle writes:

The Tujisaidie School construction project funded by Misean Cara has already brought us some much appreciated visitors. The most recent of these was the Ambassador of Ireland, HE Caitriona Ingoldsby, who spent the morning of 26 March 2024 admiring the brand new classrooms of the Tujisaidie School and then the Tumaini Centre of Excellence with its library now boasting over 11,000 books.

In September, we are expecting a delegation from Misean Cara including Jenny Smyth, we are very much looking forward to receiving them and showing them the wonderful new classrooms that their grant made possible.

In the meantime, the Tánaiste, Micheál Martin, came on an official visit to Kenya, including several projects supported by Misean Cara. The Tujisaidie School building was not included in his schedule, but I was invited to the official reception on 17 July to meet him and hear his views about the dedicated work of the Irish missionaries in Kenya, and about Ireland-Kenya co-operation with its various facets.

Kenya is going through a difficult period at the moment, with ongoing protests by the younger generation, often hijacked by criminal elements and turning violent, with an equivalent police reaction. We pray for peace and stability to resume in Kenya and each side being ready to give a listening ear to the other.


Pray along with us the Kenyan Gloria, adapted from the ACK Holy Communion Liturgy:

Glory to the Father.

Glory to the Son.

Glory to the Spirit.

Forever three in One.

Be glorified at home.

Be glorified in Church.

Be glorified in Ireland.

Be glorified in Europe.

Be glorified in Kenya.

Be glorified in Africa.

Be glorified on earth.

Be glorified in heaven.

Glory to the Father.

Glory to the Son.

Glory to the Spirit.

Forever three in One.






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