In a celebrity-driven age like ours and even in our churches, it’s easy to applaud and celebrate those who work up front, or those who are the face of an organisation. Meanwhile, those in the background are often overlooked.

In CMSI, we really value the many individuals who neither want nor seek the limelight, but who quietly go about the business of supporting God's mission: wonderful, unsung heroes like Margaret Bleeks from Donaghendry Parish in Dungannon. Margaret has faithfully laboured behind the scenes as a parish representative for CMSI over the past 28 years, but has decided to step down from her role due to family commitments.
For over 10 years, The Grouped Parishes of Ballybrack, Donaghendry and Ballyclog have been linked with Kindu Diocese in DR Congo, under the leadership of Archbishop Masimango. The parishes have worked hard to support various projects in Kindu, and their rector Rev Andrew Rawding was able to visit in 2013.

Margaret has been busy distributing CMSI magazines, prayer diaries and collection boxes, which has helped her keep in touch with various members in the parish, who are all small cogs in the wheel in helping to support our overseas partners.
In looking back, Margaret has been amazed at the generosity of parishioners in giving sacrificially to the work of our partners in Kindu. Her work on behalf of the society has been indispensable.
In thinking about Margaret, I am reminded me of the words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 12 (vv21-25). He wouldn’t let anyone overlook behind-the-scenes-people. He took Christians in Corinth to task for celebrating those with miraculous abilities - like the ability to heal - while playing down less spectacular talents. In the body of Christ, every gift is important and everyone is needed on the team. In fact, the less prominent the role, the more important it is.
We want to pay tribute to Margaret and to all who support CMSI and our partners through their quiet, faithful service. Let us never forget that no one achieves alone and no matter how insignificant we think our role is, we are all needed in God's work.