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Longest serving Virtual Volunteers...

Gillian Maganda

Nigel and Carol Weallans based in Nottingham England, have continued on their journey of Virtual Volunteering by facilitating English classes remotely with two clergy serving in the Province of Alexandria. Rev Samir (Alexandria) and Rev Emil (Cairo) have benefitted from Nigel's expertise in reviving what they know, and increasing their understanding of what they don't know.

It was great catching up with them both today, and despite ongoing health concerns for Nigel, they are quietly serving away behind the scenes and meeting every Wednesday with our brothers in Egypt via Zoom.

Both have a love and passion for refugees and asylum seekers, and have extensive experience of teaching English to newcomers in their home city. They are also praying around the potential of housing refugees in their home, and would value prayers for God's leading in this. As they wait upon God, they are faithful in ministering to those in need who are being housed in Nottingham's hotels - by providing simple luxuries that you and I take for granted.

In their retirement, they are both keeping busy in serving the Lord; and are praying for God's leading about a potential visit to Egypt and S. Sudan. But in the meantime they would value prayer for:

  • Nigel's health to stabilise

  • The ongoing English classes with the 2 Egyptian clergy

  • Guidance around the potential of housing refugees in their own home

  • For compassion and strength as they minister to those in need

As we chatted today, I was reminded of the verse in Luke ch 10: 16

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones..."

If you are interested in volunteering virtually, or are sensing God's call to serve overseas or in Ireland amongst refugees, we'd love to hear from you.



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