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Thanks to our friends in Cairo

Nigel Quinn

In our last blog we showed a clip of our daily journey this week through the neighbourhood of Arba'wa wa nuss in Cairo, as we travelled to work with the students, and to support the teachers at St Raphael School.

To say that we were welcomed with open arms would be an understatement. From the moment we arrived we were made feel very much at home. With the help of the teachers who interpreted for us from English to Arabic we delivered 48 lessons to 12 different year groups. The students were inspiring. There was music, art and craft, a hygiene programme and classes around the empowerment of girls. In all classes there was an emphasis on the importance of self esteem and of making good choices in life.

Despite the strictures of their daily lives, the young people were bright and receptive to all they heard.

Our hope and prayer is that, through receiving a good education, their choices and possibilities after school will be greatly enhanced. Our hope and prayer is also that peace might come to their homeland of Sudan. There follows below a few images highlighting what took place this week.


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