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Wading into Justice

CMSI Communications

Each year we select a theme that helps scaffold our thinking, giving our communications a shape and structure upon which to sculpt our sharing with each of you. Our magazines, events and talks use this theme as a way to relate the powerful stories of joy and challenge we participate in as part of God’s global church.


This year our theme is ‘Wading into Justice’.


Perhaps the image of water and justice is not an expected pairing. Weighing scales or the blind judge of the law may be our initial thoughts when justice is mentioned. However, God’s call for justice to “roll on like a river” is the powerful metaphor that will frame our thinking over the next 12 months.


What does this image convey about God’s desire to see justice in practice?

How can we actively pursue justice as required by the Lord in Micah, as we play our part in God’s mission?


Are we prepared to go where God may be taking us as we chart this river’s course?


If you would like to explore these questions, either in person or through reading our literature, we’d love you to get in touch with us. To sign up for our written communications, follow this link:


Are you interested in a CMSI speaker visiting your church to help you wade more deeply in these justice waters with stories from around the world? Pick up the phone and call the office on 028 9077 5020 / 01 497 0931or email


As we navigate the choppy waters of life, our prayer is that God’s justice would spring up and be like the river of life in Revelation, “bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God”. And that from this water life-giving nourishment would grow.



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